Islamic Studies: Look for books

Subjects: Islamic Studies

Call Number

Use the search box in Taylor’s catalogue. You can search using words like – Islamic calligraphy. You may also browse the shelves using the call numbers:

Subject Call Number
Islam – 20th century 297
Islam – 21st century 297
Islam – Apologetic works 195
Islam – Appreciation 297
Islam – Charities 297.6 - 361.7
Islam – Customs and practices 297.0959 - 297.57
Islam – Doctrines 297 - 297.57
Islam – Economic aspects 297 - 330
Islam – Government 297 - 320
Islam – History 297
‘Islam – Missions 297
Islam – Prayers and devotions BP183.3 .I3413
Islam – Psychology 297.57
Islam – Relations 297
Islam – Rituals 297.3
Islam – Study and teaching 297.071
Islam and architecture 181.07
Islam and art  720.91767
Islam and civil society 181.07 & 297.27
Islam and culture 297.272
Islam and humanism 297.197
Islam and justice 297.6 - 320.01
Islam and literature  297.09595
Islam and philosophy  297.261
Islam and poetry 892.7
Islam and politics 297 - 909.82
Islam and reason  001.091767
Islam and science 297.265 - 520
Islam and secularism 297.27
Islam and social problems  297.57
Islam and state 297.272 - 320.557
Islam and world politics 297.09 - 303.625
Islam in mass media 302.230882971
Civilization, Islamic 510.922
Courts, Islamic 340.11509595
Islamic calligraphy 745.619927
Islamic cities and towns 307.760917671 
Islamic countries 657
Islamic education 297.7
Islamic Empire 909.097671
Islamic fundamentalism 320
Islamic law 345
Islamic music 780
Islamic sects  297.4
Islamic shrines 297.4
Islamic sociology  297.22
Muslims – Dietary laws 664
Muslims – Intellectual life 121
Muslims – Non-Muslim countries 297.2
Muslims in art 720
Muslims in literature 822
Muslims in motion pictures  305
Muslim converts 340
Muslim philosophers 181
Scholars, Muslim  321

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